
What's the meaning of 'in a bid'?

1. to command; order; direct: to bid them depart. 2. to say as a greeting, wish, etc.: to bid good night. 3. to offer (a certain sum) as the price one will charge or pay: They bid $25,000 and got the contract. 4. to enter a bid of (a given quantity or suit at cards).

What are some synonyms of 'in a bid to'?

Synonyms for in a bid include in attempt, in an attempt, in an effort, in an endeavor, attempting and trying. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

What is the difference between a bid and an auction?

• Auction is a very old tradition of selling or buying of goods and services which allows the highest bidder to get hold of the product or the service. Bidding is the act of making/placing bids. • In ancient times, women were sold and purchased through auction. Similarly, bonded labor was also sold and purchased in this fashion

How do I submit a bid?

Submit your bid or response Click Submit Bid or Submit Response at the top of the page. The Bid Express service displays a warning if the bid is incomplete and highlights the incomplete fields. ... If you clicked Cancel, fix the highlighted fields and submit your bid again. More items...

